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Department of Emergency Aid and Simulation Medicine

The Department of Emergency Aid and Simulation Medicine is located at 74 Karl Marx street at the Center of Simulation-based Learning.

The Simulation Center consists of following several blocks:

- 8 training rooms

-  basic practical skills Teaching Block 

- "Virtual training hospital"

- virtual car accident place

- computer class

Training rooms are dedicated for theoretical training, receiving of  instructions and analysis of performed practical lessons.

Basic practical skills Teaching Block is dedicated for developing of basic medical skills: all kinds of injections, catheterization, enemas, carring out of gaster intubation and lavage

The structure of the "Virtual training hospital" :

- «LapVR» virtual simulator  - a virtual simulator of endoscopic surgery

- simulator for laparoscopy ("Lap Trainer" laparoscopy simulator with "SimuVision" camera)

- simulator for learning of the skills for decoding of  ultrasound examinations` results ("SonoMan" System)

 Virtual car accident place includes:

- the  ambulance car with equipment for emergency care and resuscitation

 - passenger car with locked doors,imitating car accident, on which the emergency care skills are teached.

 Computer class is dedicated for theoretical training and for access to libraries and virtual services. 

All classrooms are equipped with webcams for recording of lessons, tests and examinations. Review of recorded lessons by students allows them to improve common errors,make the assesment more objective and allows to create own portfolio.