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Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Physics ,nuclear physics, workshop, Bikchantaev

In this laboratory implemented a workshop on nuclear physics.

The laboratory was improved significantly by means of Leibold Didactic (LD) products in 2011.

Two unique works are presented here, neutron activation analysis and Mossbauer spectroscopy. These works are not covered initially by LD equipment. 

The equipment is placed in the room 7 of Nuclear Physics Laboratory building.

Nearby room 8 is a lecture room which also used as a place where students can work with methodical materials and prepare their results to presentation.

Here third year students of Institute of Physics are studying the course of nuclear physics.

Non-physics students from other departments of KFU (geology, biology, medicine etc.) are also studying similar simplified course here.

English language methodical guides are developed for foreign Universities students:

1. Alpha spectroscopy. Passing of alpha radiation through matter

Dulov E.N., Voronina E.V., Tagirov L.R., Bikchantaev M.M. Alpha spectroscopy. Passing of alpha radiation through matter. Methodical guide. - Kazan, 2013. - 13 p. - download

2. Recording beta spectrum with a scintillation counter. Passing of beta radiation through matter

Voronina E.V., Maslennikova A.E., Dulov E.N. Recording beta spectrum with a scintillation counter. Passing of beta radiation through matter. Methodical guide. - Kazan, 2013. - 9 p. - download

3. Gamma spectroscopy. Attenuation of gamma radiation when passing through matter

Voronina E.V., Dulov E.N., Bikchantaev M.M., Tagirov L.R. Gamma spectroscopy. Attenuation of gamma radiation when passing through matter. Methodical guide. - Kazan, 2013. - 12 p. - download

4. Detecting radioactivity. Recording the characteristic of a Geiger-Muller tube

Vagizov F.G., Dulov E.N., Gainov R.R. Detecting radioactivity. Recording the characteristic of a Geiger-Muller tube. Methodical guide. - Kazan, 2013. - 9 p. - download

5. Neutron activation analysis
Pyataev A.V., Dulov E.N., Bikchantaev M.M., Khripunov D.M., Tagirov L.R. Neutron activation analysis. Methodical guide. - Kazan, 2013. - 9 p. - download

The workshop for Russian-language students presented by following sections:

See details here (in Russian).

The laboratory staff:

Presentation of the laboratory in *.pdf, download.