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Academic Collaboration

The department of RFL has long-standing partnerships with foreign universities and educational organizations of Russia.

Among the partner universities are: Institute of Slavic Studies, Yu. Libig University (Germany, Giessen); Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Regensburg (Germany, Regensburg), Preshov University (Slovakia), Second Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(China), Shenxi Pedagogical University (China), Taishan Medical Institute, Taian, (China), Heilongjiang institute of foreign languages, Heilongjiang International University, Harbin), University of Tsukuba (Japan), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Parma (Italy), Cambridge University (United Kingdom), University of Mevlan (Turkey), University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Pittsburgh University (the USA), Ameti University, Khoryan State, Gurgaon (India), Constantine the Philosopher University (Univerzita Konstantina Filozofa v Nitre) (Slovakia).

Students and teachers exchanges, language and scientific internships, joint research projects, various forms of academic mobility are realized within the framework of cooperation agreements.

A number of faculty members have experience of working abroad: senior lecturer Bogorodsky V.A. (Germany, China), assistant professor Salahova A.R. (Germany), assistant Malikov A.Z. (China), assistant Makleeva E.A. (China). Now working abroad: Galeev T.I. (Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Yu. Libig ,Germany, Giessen), Salahova A.R. (Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Regensburg, Germany, Regensburg), Uhanova T. (Preshev University, Slovakia, Preshev).

The department is a part of the partner network "Pushkin Institute" and actively participates in the projects of Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language, aimed at popularizing and spreading the Russian language in the world. In particular, the department is the organizer of the International competition of open education courses in the Russian Language, held in 2016-2017, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The staff of the department takes part in socially significant projects. So, in 2017 KFU got the status of the supporting university of the educational program "Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world". A grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation under the Program of student associations activity development was won. Two expeditions of volunteers from different universities of the Russian Federation were organized and conducted: to the Republic of Azerbaijan (Baku, 29.10.17 - 07.11.17), the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, 03.12.17 - 12.12.17), in which the staff of the department took part. 74 Russian language lessons and 15 events were held, in which 875 schoolchildren and students participated in total. The goal of the new program of promoting the Russian language is not only studying it, but also supporting the intercultural dialogue between Russia and foreign countries.

In 2017 the program of the department "Russian as a Foreign Language" in the specialty "Philology" (specialty number 45.04.01) passed the public and international accreditation. As a result, the number of students has increased (more than 80 undergraduates), the geography of students has expanded (today students from China, Vietnam, Mali, Iran, Holland, Egypt, Hungary, Pakistan, Russia study according to the master's program of RFL).

Together with foreign partners, the department of RFL carries out teaching Russian and foreign students under joint educational programs and double diploma programs: 45.03.01 Philology. Russian as a foreign language; 45.04.01 Philology. Russian as a foreign language.

Since 2016, undergraduate students of the Second Beijing institute of Foreign Languages ​​have been studying here under a joint educational program.

Teachers of the department actively participate in international conferences, including the Congresses of the International Association of the Russian Language and Literature Teachers (IATRLAL): prof. Bochina T.G., assistant prof. Ageeva Yu.V., assistant prof. Galiulina I.R., etc. Among the staff publications the significant number of works was carried out in collaboration with foreign scientists (China, Germany, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, ...)

The department has a positive experience in organizing and holding international conferences, seminars, webinars devoted to the problems of methodology and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, including participation of specialists from foreign partner universities. Since 2011 the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Languages ​​of Russia and  the near abroad countries as foreign: teaching and learning" has been held on the basis of the Institute of Philology and Arts of KFU with the direct participation of the department staff.