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Pathogenesis Markers OpenLab

Development of new approaches for therapy of human cancer and vascular diseases; investigation of molecular and cell targets that facilitated the derected action of new therapeutic agents; development of biotechnologies for getting microbial enzymes as potential antitumor and antivirus means.

Molecular and Biochemical Bases of Pathogenesis and Therapy of Tumor Diseases OpenLab

 Research of molecular bases of pathogenesis and therapy of cancer, in particular, to determine the biomarkers, study mechanisms and develop therapy of cancer. Development of technologies for inhibition of tumor multiple drug resistance, transdermal delivery of bioactive substances, therapy of wounds and burns.Adaptation of diverse bionts to extreme environments. 

“Technologies of the Drug Delivery” OpenLab

The research of our group is focused on the development and study of novel polymer-based (bio)materials, which can be applied for drug delivery and tissue engineering. Based on our research we proposed the new class of amphiphilic polymers, which improve intracellular trafficking of anti-cancer drugs and plasmid DNA. Studies on the preparation and investigation of composite hydrogels for the controlled drug release, nerve regeneration, and wound defects are carried out recently. The research project is conducted with the support of 7 Framework program (ENSOR FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES-269267) in collaboration with international partners: Brighton University, Brighton, UK and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.