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Adaptation of foreign citizens

Dear international students!

This section contains up-to-date information on accommodation, medical assistance, health insurance and other important information regarding your stay at KFU.

For any questions you may have, please contact the Adaptation Department:

Department of External Relations, 9, Gvardeyskaya St., office 4

           reception of visitors from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00

           lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00

           tel. 8 (843) 206-52-89, ext. 8131 e-mail ois@kpfu.ru


Rustam Uspanovich Musin - Head of Department

E-mail: 1rmusin@kpfu.ru


Alina Tsai - specialist of 1 category

E-mail: ALCay@kpfu.ru

Maya Berdiyeva - specialist of 2 category

E-mail: ois@kpfu.ru


International students during the period of their studies at KFU live in the Student Campus dormitories, residential buildings of the Universiade Village, flats (rent or stay with relatives), as well as hostels.

Kazan Federal University provides beds in dormitories in accordance with the Regulations on providing non-resident students with accommodation in KFU dormitories when there are available places.

Please note a few important aspects of accommodation in KFU dormitories:

  1. Non-resident applicants entering the 1st year of Bachelor's/Specialist's/Master's program at KFU who need a dormitory should mark 'I need a dormitory' in their personal account in the social and educational network 'Budu studentom!' ("Буду студентом!") in the 'Dormitory' section and submit an application for a place in KFU dormitories for the period of study to the Rector of KFU. Such an application must be submitted by 23:59 on 20 August 2024 (Moscow time).
  2. Lists of queue to receive accommodation in KFU dormitories are formed by the housing and living committees of the main structural units and these lists are compiled in accordance with the belonging of students to the categories specified in the Regulations. In order to confirm your belonging to these categories, you need to attach the necessary documents in accordance with the Regulations in electronic format (pdf) in your personal account in the social and educational network 'Budu studentom!' ("Буду студентом!"). Such application must be completed by 23:59 on 20 August 2024 (Moscow time).
  3. Please note that if within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the notification about the provision of a place in a KFU dormitory you have not concluded a contract of accommodation in the dormitory, as well as have not notified in writing the responsible KFU employee about the valid reasons for not concluding a contract of accommodation, then in this case you may be denied a place in the dormitory.
  4. Please note that the procedure for first-year students (under Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's degree programmes) from other countries to move into KFU dormitories (as well as senior students moving in for the first time) is planned to start on November 5, 2024.

On issues of settlement and accommodation in KFU dormitories:

List of documents required for foreign students to move into KFU dormitories

1. Passport (original and 2 copies of pages 2-3, 5)

2. Voluntary health insurance policy (original and 1 copy )

3. migration card (original and 1 photocopy)

4. blood test for RW (with translation into Russian, valid for 14 days)

5. Fluorographic examination result for the last year (2 photocopies). The document must have the number of the photograph, the stamp of the institution, the stamp for reference and the stamp of the doctor.

6. Certificate from a dermatovenereologist (valid for seven working days excluding weekends);

7. Medical report from a therapist about the condition at the time of the examination (issued by the State Autonomous Institution of Health Care 'City Polyclinic No. 21')

8. Certificate of instruction (issued when moving into the dormitory)

9. Foreign student's check-in sheet (issued upon check-in to the dormitory).

10. Check-out sheet (for graduates of the KFU preparatory faculty)

11. Migration briefing document (issued upon check-in to the dormitory).

12. Photo 3 x 4 cm 3 pieces

Upon arrival in Kazan, you can also undergo a medical examination for admission to the dorms (Municipal Polyclinic No. 21, Student Polyclinic).

General information on the accommodation of foreign students is available here: Accommodation of foreign students.

Voluntary health insurance

Single number of emergency operational rescue services  is 112, works 24/7    

You can also apply to the State Autonomous Institution of Health Care 'Student Municipal Polyclinic No. 21'

KFU Psychological Service:

 +7 (963) 120 51 10, 12, Universiade Village

 +7 (843) 292 32 54; +7 9053 18 51 08



Foreign students must present a VHI (Voluntary health insurance) insurance policy when receiving medical care


Every foreign citizen who has arrived to study at Kazan Federal University (hereinafter referred to as KFU) or who continues to study at KFU must have a voluntary health insurance policy (hereinafter referred to as VHI) valid in the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. A foreign citizen must purchase the policy at his/her own expense with an insurance amount of at least 400,000 rubles, valid for the academic year 2024-2025, and send a scan copy of the policy within two calendar days of arrival at the University to the e-mail of the Adaptation Division of the External Relations Department oiskpfu@gmail.com. The policy must necessarily include repatriation service. After the termination of the policy, a foreign citizen is obliged to issue a new VHI policy within two days and also send its scan copy to the e-mail oiskpfu@gmail.com.

  1. A foreign citizen, when concluding a contract for medical care with an insurance company, should be able to receive medical services at the Medical and Sanitary Unit of KFU (Chekhova St., 1a) and at the Municipal Polyclinic No. 21 (Student) (Orenburgsky Trakt, 95).
  2. The purchased VHI policy must guarantee that the foreign student can fully pass all mandatory medical examinations, which are necessary for admission to classes and accommodation in dormitories.

If these conditions are not fulfilled, the foreign citizen is independently responsible for his or her health and the health of others in case of unqualified medical assistance or issuance of certificates without all necessary medical examinations and laboratory and diagnostic tests.

If your health insurance has expired while you are studying at KFU, you need to purchase a new insurance within 3 days. The term of insurance is one year. You can purchase medical insurance at any medical insurance company operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.