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Clincal pathophysiology

The uniqueness of clinical pathophysiology is confirmed by the overlapping of clinical and fundamental sciences.  We tried to be flexible and tailor the course for each specialty. The entire course is based on clinical tasks and cases, both common and rare diseases.
Analyzes of all clinical cases are based exclusively on foremost guidelines. Not only the pathogenesis of diseases is discussed, but also the cutting-edge principles of diagnosis, etiolotropic and pathogenetic treatment.
In addition, we provide an opportunity to reconsider students' own clinical experience. Although it is small, plenty of unanswered questions are definitely remained. Let's try to figure it out together!
We have designed the course so that you be involved and motivated. The modern teaching approaches, blending learning, an abundance of useful materials will allow you to complete this course with minimal stress. What is particularly important, we will piece together scattered clinical facts in complete picture of the mature clinical mindset. From theory to deep understanding!
For all questions feel free to contact via e-mail: roman.ursan@gmail.com


Урсан Роман Викторович

Roman V. Ursan
MD, Senior Lecturer

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Rating system (points, marks, grades, credits)

Thematic plan


Module control test 1
Module control test 2