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Data Management Lab




Head of Laboratory: Azat Yakupov

Address: 420008, Kazan, 35 Kremlevskaya street, office 1411.

E-mail: azat.yakupov@it.kfu.ru



About me:

I am a graduate of Kazan Federal University at 2004 by speciality “Mathematical methods in Economy”.

My official certifications paths for different aspects in the databases

- Oracle Database Performance Tuning Certified Expert

- Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional

- Oracle Application Express Developer Certified Expert

- Oracle Database Administrator Certified Associate

- MS SQL Server MCP

I am IT architect and data engineer for high loading and high availability systems of databases, processing relational and weakly structured of data 

I have a great and huge experiences to work with databases in production systems and I want to share my knowledge between my students.

My goal in DataLab is to create friendly group of motivated students to learn different aspects to work with data in different types of databases.


Laboratory's collaborators

Roman Tretyakov (The Central Bank of the Russian Federation)


Main message

In modern digital world namely world of huge data exchanges - there is an important and main question about data, how data store in the best way during system creation / system support and further data analysis.


Major Aspects of Laboratory:

Student's work and researches

Practice and researches are based on individual / team projects with resources of Amazon Cloud


Laboratory's and additional courses


Achieved Skills and Expertises:


Our partners: