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About the institute

Institute of Physics is one of the leading educational and scientific centers in the Volga region. It was founded on the basis of the physico-mathematical faculty of Kazan State University in 1960. More than 180 lecturers, including 54 full professors, are working for the Institute at the moment. The Institute incorporates:

4 scientific and educational centers specializing in nanotechnologies and material science have been created within the framework of international and federal programs.

Some of the Institute's laboratories are working as a part of the Physico-chemical collective research center, the biggest of its kind in the Volga region. Partners of Institute of physics include:

Institute's lectures and researchers work closely together with the leading scientists, including Noble laureates.

The system of education in the Institute and its educational and scientific schools is world-famous. Its graduates easily find jobs both in Russia and scientific institutions in other countries. The educational system of the Institute is based on the involvement of students in serious scientific work under the supervision of its best professors.

The areas of scientific research are the following:

The research is supported by federal and international grants and involves large research-and-development centers from Russia, Germany, USA, France, England, Japan etc.

The main features of higher education in physics are its breadth and fundamental character allowing the graduate to freely operate in each of the fields of modern physics as well as in chemistry, biology, geology and medicine. Many of the graduates have found jobs in economy, financial spheres and management.