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Book Chapters


Torres-Martinez A. Four Wheeled Humanoid Second-Order Cascade Control for Holonomic Trajectories / Martinez-Garcia E., Lavrenov R., Magid E. // Artificial Intelligence for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Applications. - 2023. - pp. 461-486 .

Zagidullin L. Performance Evaluation of Multigrid Brute-Force Solutions of Inverse Kinematics Problem for the Robotis OP2 Humanoid Hand / Tsoy T., Magid E., Martinez-Gacia E. // Frontiers in Robotics and Electromechanics. - Vol.329. - pp. 61-75.

Iskhakova A. LIRS-Mazegen: An Easy-to-Use Blender Extension for Modeling Maze-Like Environments for Gazebo Simulator / Abbyasov B., Tsoy T., Mironchuk T., Svinin M., Magid E. // Frontiers in Robotics and Electromechanics, -Vol.329, - pp. 147-161.


Ramil Khusainov, Ilya Shimchik, Ilya Afanasyev, and Evgeni Magid. 3D Modelling of Biped Robot Locomotion with Walking Primitives Approach in Simulink Environment. In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), vol.383(30), In Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 12th International Conference 2015, revised selected papers, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 287-304.