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Arslanov Marat Mirzaevich

The head of Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic of Kazan Federal University, the honoured scientist of Tatarstan Republic, the honored scientist of Russian Federation, the honored Professor of  Kazan Federal University, a corresponding member of Tatarstan Republic Academy of Science.

M.M. Arslanov graduated from Kazan State University in 1966. After graduating the graduate school of Department of Algebra in 1969 he works in Kazan State University (Kazan Federal University since 2010). From 1989 to the present days he is the head of Department of Algebra (Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic since 2007). In 1993 he also founded and became the head of Department of Algebra and Mathematical Logic of the N.G. Chebotarev  Research Institute (the N.G. Chebotarev Scientific Research Center since 2010).

M.M. Arslanov is the founder of the Kazan School of Mathematical Logic, which is now widely known and recognized in his country and overseas. The school has brought up dozens of talented mathematicians, among which there are five doctors of science and more than ten candidates of sciences.

Since 1992 Kazan University under the leadership of M. M. Arslanov regularly hosts major international conferences on Algebra and Mathematical Logic, including XI National conference on Mathematical Logic (1992), a major international conference on Computability Theory and Complexity Theory (1997, it was attended by almost all the leading Russian and foreign scientists on Computability Theory), series of international conferences "Algebra and Analysis" (1994, 2004, 2005), an international conference devoted to the centenary  of the "Imaginary Logic" founded by Professor N.A. Vasiliev (2009) and an international conference devoted to the centenary of Professor V.V. Morozov (2011).

Scientific activity of M.M Arslanov is related with the research in the field of Computability Theory, the science emerging at the junction of Algebra and Mathematical Logic.  He received a number of major results in the study of the algebraic structure of the Turing degrees of sets from the difference hierarchy of sets, now it is well known as the Ershov difference hierarchy. Under the influence of his works in mid-80s this area of research became one of the most actively developed branches of Computability Theory. In his works he explored the Turing degrees containing functions without so-called "fixed points" and with their help he formulated  completeness criteria of sets in the arithmetical hierarchy. These works initiated a whole field of research with involving leading mathematicians working in Computability Theory. Now these criteria are well known in the literature as the Arslanovs completeness criteria and are included in all textbooks on Computability Theory.

M. M. Arslanov was an invited plenary speaker at the International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Uppsala, 1991), a plenary speaker at major international conferences on Logic and Computability Theory in Bulgaria (1990, 2010), Germany (1989, 1992, 1996, 2003, 2012), Israel (1995), Czech Republic (1998), USA (2001, 2006), China (2003), Singapore (2005), Netherlands (2006), UK (1996, 1998, 2013), Pakistan (2007), Moscow (2001, 2003), Novosibirsk (2004, 2010, 2011), Saint-Petersburg (2005).

M.M. Arslanov delivered lectures and conducted scientific research in the universities of USA (1978-1979, 1993-1994, 2001 and 2006), Germany (1992,1996, 2003), UK (1994, 1996), Italy (1997), China (1999), Iran (1996, 1997), Greece(1996, 1997, 2002, 2004).

Since 1995 M. M. Arslanov is a member of the American Mathematical Society and of the Association of Symbolic Logic. M.M. Arslanov is a member of editorial boards of International journals "Mathematical Logic Quarterly, "Journal of Theoretical Computer Science", "Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics”, “Asia-European Journal of Mathematics", "Russian Mathematics (in Russian – Izv.Vuzov. Mathematics)", and "Proceedings of Kazan University. Physics and Mathematics Series". M. M. Arslanov is also a member of the expert Council of RFBR.

M.M. Arslanov is the chairman of Dissertation Council “Д212.081.35” for defending doctoral and candidate's dissertations (specialities 01.01.06, 01.01.09, 05.13.11), member of Scientific Councils of KFU and N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics.


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