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Публикации 2013

1. Doǧan, A., Yalvaç, M.E., Yilmaz, A., Rizvanov, A., Şahin, F.
Effect of f68 on cryopreservation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human tooth germ
(2013) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 171 (7), pp. 1819-1831. 

2. Altunbek, M., Yalvaç, M.E., Keseroglu, K., Palotás, A., Çulha, M., Rizvanov, A.A.
Gold- and silver-based nano-particles influence pseudo-typed lenti-viral infection
(2013) Current Nanoscience, 9 (6), pp. 693-697. 

3. Zaitsev, S.Y., Shaposhnikov, M.N., Solovyeva, D.O., Rizvanov, A.A.
Cell staining by novel derivatives of fluorescent rhodamine dyes
(2013) World Applied Sciences Journal, 26 (6), pp. 712-718. 

4. Solovyeva, V.V., Salafutdinov, I.I., Martynova, E.V., Khaiboullina, S.F., Rizvanov, A.A.
Human adipose derived stem cells do not al­ter cytokine secretion in response to the genetic modification with pEGFP-N2 plasmid DNA
(2013) World Applied Sciences Journal, 26 (7), pp. 968-972. 

5. Blatt, N.L., Mingaleeva, R.N., Khaiboullina, S.F., Kotlyar, A., Lombardi, V.C., Rizvanov, A.A.
In vivo screening models of anticancer drugs
(2013) Life Science Journal, 10 (4), статья № 250, pp. 1892-1900. 

6. Mingaleeva, R.N., Solovieva, V.V., Blatt, N.L., Rizvanov, A.A.
Application of cell and tissue cultures for potential anti-cancer/oncology drugs screening in vitro
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (2), pp. 20-28. 

7. Miyanovich, O., Katina, M.N., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiyasov, A.P.
Characterization of rat myofibroblasts isolated from liver portal tracts using explantation technique
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 119-124. 

8. Guseva, D.S., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiyasov, A.P., Islamov, R.R.
Genetically modified human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells as potential stimulators of neuroregeneration in degenerative disorders of central nervous system
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 106-112. 

9. Fedotova, V.Y., Cherenkova, E.E., Islamov, R.R., Rizvanov, A.A.
Generation of recombinant adenoviral vectors encoding neural cell adhesion molecules ncam1, ncam2 and l1cam
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 142-146. 

10. Mullin, R.I., Masgutov, R.F., Salafutdinov, I.I., Rizvanov, A.A., Bogov, A.A.
Combined treatment of throphic ulcer of the heel using vacuum therapy with direct gene therapy: Case report
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 125-128. 

11. Masgutov, R.F., Salihov, R.Z., Plaseichuk, Yu.A., Salafutdinov, I.I., Rizvanov, A.A., Bogov, A.A.
Use of stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue for treatment of femur pseudoarthtosis: Case report
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 116-118. 

12. Gomzikova, M.O., Gaifullina, R.F., Mustafin, I.G., Chernov, V.M., Miftahova, Z.R., Galyavich, A.S., Rizvanov, A.A.
Membrane microvesicles: Biological properties and involvement in pathogenesis of diseases
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 6-11. 

13. Mukhamedshina, Y.O., Shaymardanova, G.F., Salafutdinov, I.I., Rizvanov, A.A., Povysheva, T.V., Masgutova, G.A., Nigmetzyanova, M.V., Chelyshev, Yu.A.
Delivery of cord blood cells modified with adenoviral vectors expressing GDNF into the area of spinal cord injury stimulates recovery of motor function and supports a population of glial cells
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 129-132. 

14. Starostina, I.G., Solovyeva, V.V., Yuryeva, K.S., Shevchenko, K.G., Fedotov, V.P., Rizvanov, A.A., Deev, R.V., Isaev, A.A.
Modeling and gene therapy of dysferlinopathy
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 61-70. 

15. Shafigullina, A.K., Trondin, A.A., Burganova, G.R., Titova, A.A., Mavlikeev, M.O., Sharipova, E.I., Tabanakova, A.V., Gazizov, I.M., Kaligin, M.S., Titova, M.A., Rizvanov, A.A., Gumerova, A.A., Kiassov, A.P.
Comparison of different methods of rat hepatic stellate cells isolation, labeling and transplantation
(2013) Cellular Transplantation and Tissue Engineering, 8 (3), pp. 147-151. 

16. Khaiboullina, S.F., Morzunov, S.P., Hall, M.R., De Meirleir, K.L., Rizvanov, A.A., Lombardi, V.C.
Human dendritic cells transfected with a human papilloma virus-18 construct display decreased mobility and upregulated cytokine production
(2013) International Journal of Oncology, 43 (5), pp. 1701-1709. 

17. Khaiboullina, S.F., Rizvanov, A.A., Lombardi, V.C., Morzunov, S.P., Reis, H.J., Palotás, A., Jeor, S.St.
Andes-virus-induced cytokine storm is partially suppressed by ribavirin
(2013) Antiviral Therapy, 18 (4), pp. 575-584. 

18. Grigoryeva, T.V., Laikov, A.V., Rizvanov, A.A., Ilinskaya, O.N., Naumova, R.P.
Composition of the oil-slime microbial community as determined by analysis of the 16S rRNA gene
(2013) Microbiology (Russian Federation), 82 (5), pp. 637-641. 

19. Valente, A.X.C.N., Oliveira, P.J., Khaiboullina, S.F., Palotás, A., Rizvanov, A.A.
Biological insight, high-throughput datasets and the nature of neuro-degenerative disorders
(2013) Current Drug Metabolism, 14 (7), pp. 814-818. 

20. Khaiboullina, S.F., Morzunov, S.P., Boichuk, S.V., Palotás, A., Jeor, S.S., Lombardi, V.C., Rizvanov, A.A.
Death-domain associated protein-6 (DAXX) mediated apoptosis in hantavirus infection is counter-balanced by activation of interferon-stimulated nuclear trans­cription factors
(2013) Virology, 443 (2), pp. 338-348. 

21. Islamov, R.R., Lannik, N.I., Shaimardanova, G.F., Rezvyakov, P.N., Tyapkina, O.V., Rizvanov, A.A., Chelyshev, Y.A., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Nikolskii, E.E.
Effect of hindlimb unloading on myelinated fibers in the mouse lumbar spinal cord
(2013) Doklady Biological Sciences, 452 (1), pp. 266-268. 

22. Blatt, N.L., Mingaleeva, R.N., Khaiboullina, S.F., Lombardi, V.C., Rizvanov, A.A.
Application of cell and tissue culture systems for anticancer drug screening
(2013) World Applied Sciences Journal, 23 (3), pp. 315-325. 

23. Shaimardanova, G.F., Mukhamedshina, Ya.O., Rizvanov, A.A., Salafutdinov, I.I., Chelyshev, Yu.A.
Effects of transplantation of human cord blood mononuclear cells expressing the recombinant VEGF and FGF2 genes into spinal cord traumatic injury sites in rats
(2013) Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 43 (5), pp. 597-601. 

24. De Meirleir, K.L., Khaiboullina, S.F., Frémont, M., Hulstaert, J., Rizvanov, A.A., Palotás, A., Lombardi, V.C.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the duodenum of individuals diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis are uniquely immunoreactive to antibodies to human endogenous retroviral proteins
(2013) In Vivo, 27 (2), pp. 177-187. 

25. Toymentseva, A.A., Akhmetova, A.I., Karimova, M.R., Nyamsuren, C., Ponomareva, Y.O., Shagimardanova, E.I., Rizvanov, A.A., Sharipova, M.R.
Bacillus pumilus strains with inactivated genes of extracellular serine proteinases
(2013) Microbiology (Russian Federation), 82 (1), pp. 59-67. 

26. Shaymardanova, G.F., Mukhamedshina, Y.O., Salafutdinov, I.I., Rizvanov, A.A., Chelyshev, Yu.A.
Usage of plasmid vector carrying vegf and fgf2 genes after spinal cord injury in rats
(2013) Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 154 (4), pp. 544-547. 

27. Mukhamedyarov, M.A., Rizvanov, A.A., Safiullov, Z.Z., Izmailov, A.A., Sharifullina, G.A., Solovieva, V.V., Fedotova, V.Yu., Salafutdinov, I.I., Cherenkova, E.E., Bashirov, F.V., Kaligin, M.S., Abdulkhakov, S.R., Shmarov, M.M., Logunov, D.Yu., Naroditsky, B.S., Kiyasov, A.P., Zefirov, A.L., Islamov, R.R.
Analysis of the efficiency of gene-cell therapy in transgenic mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis phenotype
(2013) Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 154 (4), pp. 558-561. 

28. Islamov, R.R., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiyasov, A.P., Palotás, A.
Transformation of human umbilical cord blood cells to support neuro-regeneration in the diseased brain
(2013) Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells: Therapeutic Applications in Disease and Injury, 9, pp. 25-33. 

29. Grigor'eva, T.V., Laĭkov, A.V., Rizvanov, A.A., Il'inskaia, O.N., Naumova, R.P.
[Composition of the oil-slime microbial community determined by analysis of the 16S rRNA gene]
(2013) Mikrobiologiia, 82 (5), pp. 635-639. 

​30. Yalvaç, M.E., Yarat, A., Mercan, D., Rizvanov, A.A., Palotás, A., Şahin, F.
Characterization of the secretome of human tooth germ stem cells (hTGSCs) reveals neuro-protection by fine-tuning micro-environment
(2013) Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 32, pp. 122-130. 