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Публикации 2014

1. Solovyeva, V.V., Rizvanov, A.A.
Application of recombinant histone protein H1.3 for inhibition of adenoviral infection
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 125-130. 

2. Ramazanov, B.R., Boichuk, S.V., Rizvanov, A.A.
Features of senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs)
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 173-178. 

3. Mijanovic, O., Zhuravleva, M.N., Gomzikova, M.O., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiassov, A.P.
Effect of curcumin and gliotoxin on fibroblasts from the large portal tracts of Rattus norvegicus
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 212-216. 

4. Cherepnev, G.V., Igtisamova, G.R., Zainullin, L.I., Kalacheva, N.V., Rizvanov, A.A.
Rapid flow cytofluorometric analysis of functional mitochondrial status in Yarrowia lipolytica yeast: A reasonable model to study human cell bioenergetic responses
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 281-283. 

5. Zakirova, E.Y., Zhuravleva, M.N., Masgutov, R.F., Usmanov, R.A., Rizvanov, A.A.
Isolation, analysis and application of authogenic adipose derived multipotential mesenchymal stromal cells from dog for therapy pseudoarthrosis of tibial bone
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 70-75. 

6. Gazizov, I.M., Salafutdinov, I.I., Mavlikeev, M.O., Bashirov, F.V., Islamov, R.R., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiassov, A.P.
Application of genetically modified umbilical cord blood cells and direct gene therapy for treatment of skin wounds in rats
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 59-62. 

7. Sagitov, I.I., Shafigullina, A.K., Saleeva, G.T., Gomzikova, M.O., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiassov, A.P.
Deriving population of ectomesenchymal cells with properties of stem cells and progenitor cells from pulp of permanent teeth
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 112-117. 

8. Nurieva, L.R., Islamov, R.R., Grigoryev, P.N., Rizvanov, A.A., Zefirov, A.L., Mukhamedyarov, M.A.
Evaluation of contractile function of diaphragmatic muscle in mSOD1 transgenic mice with model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 230-233. 

9. Masgutov, R.F., Salihov, R.Z., Rizvanov, A.A., Salafutdinov, I.I., Bogov, A.A., Plaseichuk, Yu.A.
Application of stromal vascular fraction cells of adipose tissue for treatment of hyaline cartilage defect of the medial femoral knee condyle: Case report
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 303-306. 

10. Petukhova, E.O., Mukhamedshina, Y.O., Rizvanov, A.A., Mukhitov, A.R., Zefirov, A.L., Islamov, R.R., Mukhamedyarov, M.A.
Transplantation of mononuclear cells of human umbilical cord blood improves spatial memory in APP/PS1 transgenic mice with Alzheimer's disease model
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 234-239. 

11. Mukhamedshina, Y.O., Shaymardanova, G.F., Mukhitov, A.R., Garanina, E.E., Rizvanov, A.A., Chelyshev, Yu.A.
Phenotypic modifications and quantitative analysis of glial cells in the area of spinal cord injury at the cell-mediated and direct gene delivery gdnf
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 217-222. 

12. Khaertynov, K.S., Boichuk, S.V., Anokhin, V.A., Ramazanov, B.R., Dunaev, P.D., Khaiboullina, S.F., Rizvanov, A.A., Andreeva, A.A., Satrutdinov, M.A.
Activity index of lymphocyte apoptosis in children with neonatal sepsis
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 267-271. 

13. Mavlikeev, M.O., Plotnikov, M.V., Maksimov, A.V., Gafiyatullina, G.R., Murtazin, A.I., Teregulov, U.E., Shamsutdinova, I.I., Gumerova, A.A., Rizvanov, A.A., Kiassov, A.P.
Pathohistological assessment of skeletal muscle after direct gene therapy with vegf165 of patients with peripheral arterial diseases
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 105-111. 

14. Masgutov, R.F., Gallyamov, A.R., Shulman, A.A., Bogov, A.A., Jr., Khannanova, I.G., Mullin, R.I., Salafutdinov, I.I., Topyrkin, V.G., Rizvanov, A.A., Bogov, A.A.
Recovery of ulnar nerve defect by autonerve grafting and autotransplantation of stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 307-311. 

15. Islamov, R.R., Rizvanov, A.A., Cherenkova, E.E., Mukhamedshina, Y.O., Salafutdinov, I.I., Safiullov, Z.Z., Izmailov, A.A., Mukhamedyarov, M.A., Guseva, D.S.
Investigation of recombinant therapeutic genes expression in umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells transduced with three adenoviral vectors encoding neurotrophic factors GDNF, VEGF and neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (3), pp. 204-208. 

16. Chelyshev, Y.A., Muhamedshina, Y.O., Povysheva, T.V., Shaymardanova, G.F., Rizvanov, A.A., Nigmetzyanova, M.V., Tiapkina, O.V., Bondarenko, N.I., Nikolskiy, E.E., Islamov, R.R.
Characterization of spinal cord glial cells in a model of hindlimb unloading in mice
(2014) Neuroscience, 280, pp. 328-339. 

17. Guseva, D., Rizvanov, A.A., Salafutdinov, I.I., Kudryashova, N.V., Palotás, A., Islamov, R.R.
Over-expression of Oct4 and Sox2 transcription factors enhances differentiation of human umbilical cord blood cells in vivo
(2014) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 451 (4), pp. 503-509. 

18. Islamov, R.R., Gusev, O.A., Tanabe, A., Terada, M., Tyapkina, O.V., Petrov, K.A., Rizvanov, A.A., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Nikolskiy, E.E., Grigorjev, A.I.
Genomic analysis of mouse lumbar spinal cord after 30-day space flight on biosatellite Bion-M1
(2014) Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics, 458 (1), pp. 177-178. 

19. Danilova, Y.V., Shagimardanova, E.I., Margulis, A.B., Toymentseva, A.A., Balaban, N.P., Rudakova, N.L., Rizvanov, A.A., Sharipova, M.R., Palotás, A.
Bacterial enzymes effectively digest Alzheimer's β-amyloid peptide
(2014) Brain Research Bulletin, 108, pp. 113-117. 

20. Zakirova, E.Y., Vasin, N.N., Zhuravleva, M.N., Rizvanov, A.A.
Case report of application gene construction with VEGF and BMP2 in restoration of tear in the anterior cruciate ligament of a large breed dog
(2014) Genes and Cells, 9 (2), pp. 93-95. 

21. Zaitsev, S.Y., Shaposhnikov, M.N., Solovyeva, D.O., Solovyeva, V.V., Rizvanov, A.A.
Conjugates of a photoactivated rhodamine with biopolymers for cell staining
(2014) Scientific World Journal, 2014, статья № 285405, . 

22. Solovyeva, V.V., Salafutdinov, I.I., Tazetdinova, L.G., Khaiboullina, S.F., Masgutov, R.F., Rizvanov, A.A.
Genetic modification of adipose derived stem cells with recombinant plasmid DNA pBud-VEGF-FGF2 results in increased of IL-8 and MCP-1 secretion
(2014) Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8, pp. 523-528. 

23. Branco, A.F., Moreira, A.C., Cunha-Oliveira, T., Couto, R., Sardão, V.A., Rizvanov, A.A., Palotás, A., Oliveira, P.J.
β-adrenergic over-stimulation and cardio-myocyte apoptosis: Two receptors, one organelle, two fates?
(2014) Current Drug Targets, 15 (10), pp. 956-964. 

24. Khismatullina, N., Ivanov, A., Martynova, E., Mironov, A., Zainutdinova, E., Khaiboullina, S., Rizvanov, A., Filimonova, M.
Nuclease composition with anti-rabies activity
(2014) Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8, pp. 499-504. 

25. Khaiboullina, S.F., Martynova, E.V., Khamidullina, Z.L., Lapteva, E.V., Nikolaeva, I.V., Anokhin, V.V., Lombardi, V.C., Rizvanov, A.A.
Upregulation of IFN-γ and IL-12 is associated with a milder form of hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
(2014) European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 33 (12), pp. 2149-2156. 

26. Ivanova, V.V., Khaiboullina, S.F., Cherenkova, E.E., Martynova, E.V., Nevzorova, T.A., Kunst, M.A., Sibgatullin, T.B., Maksudova, A.N., Oliveira, P.J., Lombardi, V.C., Palotás, A., Rizvanov, A.A.
Differential immuno-reactivity to genomic DNA, RNA and mitochondrial DNA is associated with auto-immunity
(2014) Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 34 (6), pp. 2200-2208. 

27. Reis, H.J., de Oliveira, A.C.P., Mukhamedyarov, M.A., Zefirov, A.L., Rizvanov, A.A., Yalvaç, M.E., Teixeira, A.L., Janka, Z., Hussain, A., Vieira, L.B., Palotás, A.
Human cognitive and neuro-psychiatric bio-markers in the cardiac peri-operative patient
(2014) Current Molecular Medicine, 14 (9), pp. 1155-1163. 