Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Chernisheva Mariya Andrianovna
Taught disciplines 
Discipline Curriculum Authors File
Геоинформационные технологии в эколого-географическом образовании  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Геоэкология и природопользование в образовательных учреждениях  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Кубышкина Е.Н.
Чернышева М.А.
Интерактивные карты в школьной географии  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Картография с основами топографии  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Уленгов Р.А.
Чернышева М.А.
Концепция устойчивого развития в школьном образовании  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Социальная экология в образовательных учреждениях  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Физическая география Республики Татарстан в школьном образовании  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Школьный экологический мониторинг  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Экология в образовательных учреждениях  44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Geography and Ecology) 2024 y. Чернышева М.А.
Work address: 6/20 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, Building 18A
Office number: 300
Phone: +79631260285
E-mail: MarAChernysheva@kpfu.ru
VK: https://vk.com/marychernysheva
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=chB95psAAAAJ&hl=ru
elibrary.ru: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_items.asp
 0 г 9 м 15 д   from 18.09.2023
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 0 г 9 м 15 д   from 18.09.2023
General experience:
 2 г 9 м 17 д   from 16.09.2021
Experience in KFU:
 2 г 9 м 17 д   from 16.09.2021