29 July 2019
Professor Evgeni Magid gave a lecture in Czech Technical University in Prague

Professor of Intelligent Robotics Department of the Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) Evgeni Magid was invited to the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague by a Head of Cybernetics Department of Electrical Engineering faculty Tomas Svoboda. On 25 July 2019 professor Magid gave a lecture there on search and rescue robotics. CTU is one of the largest universities in Czech Republic; moreover, it is the oldest technical university of Central Europe and the oldest civilian technical university in the world. Professor Magid paid a visit to CTU during his participation in the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics – ICINCO-2019

On 26 July 2019 professor visited some robotics laboratories of Cybernetics Department of Electrical Engineering faculty of CTU and took part in faculty discussion on collaborative research and education opportunities in robotics field. Furthermore, he visited laboratories of Robotics and Computer Perception Department of Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics that is a new subdivision of CTU. Within his visit professor Evgeni Magid told about researches of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic System (LIRS) and “Intelligent Robotics” master's program, and its development by Vladimir Potanin Foundation, and the newest bachelor's program on robotics. 

Professor Evgeni Magid: “My interest was aroused by laboratories of humanoid, unmanned multi-agent flying systems and search and rescue robotics of Cybernetics Department. In each laboratory we had long discussions. A Head of the search and rescue laboratory is interested in our projects with “Servosila “Engineer” robot and developments within the international project “eAsia” called “Information System of Emergency Situations Management in the areas of  Floods and Landslides with Assistance of Distributed Heterogeneous Group of Robots”. Workers of the laboratory of  humanoids evaluated our new project on robot-assistant for teaching English language. We also discussed all the difficulties and technical developments on organizing the experiments with people that will help further tests to be more productive. All robotic laboratories of CTU are highly equipped with cutting-edge technologies, and a few tens of employees and students work therе. During my visit to the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics I was stunned by the manufacturing line on the basis of KUKA robots, which fully duplicates a little manufacturing line of a real factory. I mean ranging from robots and conveyors to protective sensors and stop-signals. High technology projects of real production customers are carried out on that kind of line, which allows testing the full cycle ranging from theory and modeling to experimental validation, what makes it possible to transfer university developments to the customer's manufacturing department immediately. One of the Czech professors gave me the question, why there are only little Russian roboteers on robotic conferences. I explained him that most Russian universities cannot afford themselves sponsorship of robotics. It is related with necessity of expensive equipment and budgets for participation in international conferences and, first of all, with high salaries of roboteers in industry, with whom Russian universities, unfortunately, cannot compete”. 

Source of information: Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems