20 November 2018
Kazan Federal University's 214th birthday celebrated with a traditional concert

Rector Ilshat Gafurov addressed the attendants with congratulatory words. He noted that the University has been both seasoned and young, the latter referring to its federal status since 2010. Big results have already been achieved in global rankings, and it’s especially pleasant that young researchers are becoming more and more successful, he added.

Among the honored guests this time were First Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan Timur Suleymanov, Head of the Committee for Children and Youth Affairs of the Municipal Administration of Kazan Ayrat Faizov, and President of the Tatarstan League of Students Rufat Kiyamov.  They are all KFU alumni.

A large cake was brought to the stage, and everyone could taste it after the concert wrapped up.

The anniversary celebrations, though, have not yet ended. This week is marked with the forum of patriotic youth organizations and the upcoming National Treasure Festival.


Source text: Adelya Shemelova

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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