12 апреля 2017
Biology and its development

Секция ИФМиБ

Потоковая конференция магистров

Руководитель-старший преподаватель Сосновская Г.И.

Biology and its development


Scientific Student English conference among masters to be titled “Journey to biology science” in Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology took place on 28 March. Participants were chosen during preliminary step on the group level conferences from masters to be. Here is the list of participants with their works’ headlines:

  1. Агабекян И.А. - гр. 01-640-1, «The Regulation of the telomere length of Arbidopsis thaliana.», «Регуляция длины теломер Arbidopsis thaliana», Науч. рук. – PhD Шакиров Е.В., к.п.н., доц. Арсланова Г.А.
  2. Голубев А.А.  - гр. 01-640-3 "Staphylococcus aureus: structure-based     drug design.",      "Staphylococcus aureus: структурно-основанный дизайн лекарств", Науч. рук. – к.н., с.н.с. Ш.З.Валидов, ст.преп. Сосновская Г.И.
  3. Баранова Д. С. - гр. 01-640-2, "Genomic characterization of two Bacillus pumilus strains." "Геномная характеристика двух штаммов Bacillus pumilus." Науч.рук.- к.б.н., н.с. Тойменцева А. А., к.п.н., доц. Арсланова Г.А.
  4. Чернова Л. С. - гр. 01-640-1 гр. 01-640-3 “Hyperproduction of proteases HtrA in the adaptation of Bacillus subtilis cells to stress conditions.","Гиперпродукция протеаз HtrA в адаптации клеток Bacillus subtilis к стрессовым условиям", Науч. рук. к.б.н. Каюмов А.Р., ст.преп. Сосновская Г.И.
  5. Хусаинова Н.Ш. - гр. 01-640-1, "Genetic analysis of the signs of productivity and grain quality of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.)", "Генетический анализ признаков продуктивности и качества зерна у озимой тритикале (Triticosecale Wittm.)", Науч.рук. - д.б.н., профессор Пономарева М.Л., к.п.н., доц. Арсланова Г.А.
  6. Куприянова Е. А.  - гр. 01-640-1 "Metagenome of the urinary tract and its association with BK-virus infection.","Метагеном мочевыводящих путей и его связь с BK-вирусной инфекцией", Науч. рук. н.с, к.б.н. Маланин С.Ю., ст.преп. Сосновская Г.И.
  7. Ермакова А.М. - гр.01-640-3, "Lectins of ascomycete of the genes Alternaria" - "Лектины аскомицетов рода Альтернария", науч. рук - к.б.н. доц. Зиннурова Е.Е., к.п.н. доц. Арсланова Г.А.
  8. Гатауллина А.Г. – гр. 01-640-5 «The treatment of Parkinson's disease is possible», «Лечение болезни паркинсонизма возможно», Науч.рук. –д.б.н.Шакурова Н.В., ст. преп. Г.И.Сосновская.
  9. Ваньков П.Ю. – гр. 01-640-2 «Comparative analysis of bacterial communities associated with healthy and inflamed peri-implant tissues», «Сравнительный анализ бактериальных сообществ, ассоциированных со здоровыми и воспалёнными периимплантатными тканями». Науч.рук. - –д.б.н., доц.Зиганшин А.М., ст. преп. Г.И.Сосновская
  10. Галиева Л.P.  –  гр.  01-640-1 «Schwann cell responses in the spinal cord contusion area after gene-cell therapy», «Влияние генно-клеточной терапии на шванновские клетки в области повреждения спинного мозга», Науч.рук. – к.м.н. Мухамедшина Я.О., ст. преп. Г.И.Сосновская.
  11. Ахметзянова Э.А. – гр.  01-640-1 «Transplantation of genetically modified umbilical cord blood cells in the area of spinal cord injury as therapeutic tool», «Трансплантация генетически модифицированных клеток крови пуповины в область повреждения спинного мозга», Науч.рук. –к.м.н. Мухамедшина Я.О., ст. преп. Г.И.Сосновская.
  12. Топчу Ю.А. - гр. 01-640-4, "Features of the programmed cell death of non-small cell lung carcinoma in conditions of metabolic stress", Науч.рук. - д.б.н., проф. Абрамова З.И., к.п.н., доц. Арсланова Г.А.
  13. Саярова Р. М. - гр. 01-640-4   "Isatin-Schiff Base Copper Complexes as potential anti-tumor compounds.", "Комплексы оснований Шиффа изатина с медью как потенциальные противоопухолевые препараты", Науч. рук. к.н. Булатов Э.Р., ст.преп. Сосновская Г.И.


Enjoyable atmosphere of the conference was created thanks to the unique chairman and chairwoman and great participants. Moderators were also doing their best to lighten the atmosphere and defuse tension. This in return helped the participants feel relaxed and present their reports clearly. The event was beneficial for people engaged in different branches of biology because the speakers made their reports on wide variety of topics from fungi to Parkinson’s disease.

 All reports could be divided into two groups. The first group is theoretical reports. The speakers in this group were not focusing on the results but on currently known findings and future perspectives of developments in particular area. However, absence of results did not make these presentations boring, contrariwise they were very informative and compelling. For example, it was quite surprising for the audience to know that «The treatment of Parkinson's disease is possible». Other reports of this group (like.....) were also exciting and sparked the interest of the audience.

Another group of reports could be named as scientific researches. The fact that students showed their own results and contribution to the solution of the problem of interest reflected the unique character of their reports. It was absolutely clear that the students did great work spending lots of their time in labs.

All participants were very engaged while presenting their works. This conference once again proved how fascinating and interesting biology is. It is one of the fastest developing sciences in which there are still so much to be investigated. Since the biology has wide range of branches, everybody could find his/her own field of interest. 

To conclude, this conference became an excellent platform for young researchers where they were able to practice their skills in public speech in English while presenting their topics of research.


The results of the conference:

1st place – Голубев А. А.

2nd  place – Ермакова А.М. 

3rd place – Куприянова Е.А., Саярова Р.М.

Our jury: Сосновская Г.И.