IV International Readings in the Name of Baudouin de Courtenay 7
Problems in General Linguistics
Solovyev V.D. Problems and Methods of Linguistic Phylogeny 8
Hairutdinova G.A. On the Problem of Aesthetics of Linguistic Units 22
Khurmatullin A.K. The Concept of Discourse in Modern Linguistics 31
Historical Linguistics
Astakhina L.Yu. The History of One Lexical-Semantic Group in the Russian Language 38
Balalykina E.A. About the Importance of the Lithuanian Language for the Research in the Field of the Russian Language History 50
Erofeeva I.V. The Adjective Suffix -ьск- as Means of Word-Formation in the Annalistic Text 60
Zholobov O.F. Dynamics of Verbal Forms in the Old Russian Homiletic Compilations Corpus 73
Kirillova Z.N. Obsolete Forms of Conjunctions in Literary Tatar Language 87
Kuzovenkova A.I. Reflection of Reduced Vowels in Parimeynik according to the Manus­cript in Russian State Library, Troitskaya, 4 (Second Part of 14th Century) 95
Mullagalieva A.G. On the History of Lexeme Gizn’ (жизнь) as a member of Etymological Word Family with *gi-root 102
Musina G.F. The History of Formation and Development of Physical Terminology in the Tatar Language 109
Nikolaev G.A. Modes of Old Russian Nominal Word-Formation 115
Nikolaeva N.G. Some Observations on the Process of Formation of Terminological System of Philosophy and Theology 122
Shamsutdinova A.R. Linguistic Specifics of Portrait Des­cription in Russian Literature 129
Comparative Linguistics
Edikhanow I.G. Intercultural Communication in Translations of Works by Tatar Enlighteners into Russian 136
Ivanova T.K. Compound Word as an Element of Word-Building System of the Russian and German Languages 143
Zheleznova-Lipets I.F. Metaphor-address in Ch. Baudelaire Poetry (Based on J. Duval’s Cycle from “The Flowers of Evil” Book and Its Russian Translations of Different Times) 152
Minnigalieva G.R. Russian Speech-Behavioural Tactics of Farewell in Translation into the English and Tatar Languages 160
Linguistic Worldview
Akhmerova L.R. The Idea of Anger in Naive Psychology Represented in the Russian Linguistic Worldview 167
Valeeva D.R. Representation of the Concept “House/Home” in Russian and Spanish Worldview 176
Sharikova L.A. Globalised World as a Play/Theatre in European Perception 183
Abdulkhakova L.R. Some Aspects of Studying Synonymic Relations in the Language System 191
Egorov D.S. Functional Specifics of Temporal Verb Forms in Contemporary Russian Language 199
Zhdanova E.A. Metonymy as a Kind of Noun Semantic Derivation in the Russian Dialects of Udmurtia 206
Kolpakova G.V. Synonymy in Anthropocentric Vocabulary 214
Nosova O.E. Strategic Resources of Silence 223
Pankratova S.A. Metaphoric Choice: Cognitive and Semantic Possibilities of Its Forecast 230
Panchenko V.P. Cognitive Orientated Des­cription of Lexical Meanings of “Deed and Behaviour” Derived Verbs (according to Data of Modern Lexicographical Sources) 240
Ahmetzyanova L.M. Historical (Real) Names in the Artistic World of Daniil Kharms 248
Orlova N.M. Precedent Potential of Bible Situation 254
Chernysheva A.Yu. Speech-Behavioral Confession Tactics in the Percepts of the Reverend Optin Elders 264
The Authors’ Index for the Year of 2009 273