A.N.Abyzov. Regular semiartinian rings
D.Kh.Dzhumabaev. Holomorphic continuation of functions from closed hypersurfaces with singular edges
D.B.Zot'ev. Fomenko-Zieschang invariants of integrable systems with symplectic singularities
V.A.Klyachin and A.A.Shirokii. The Delaunay triangulation for multidimensional surfaces and its approximative properties
V.I.Maksimov. On tracking solutions of parabolic equations
S.V.Maryushenkov. Estimation of the norm of an operator inverse to a differential one
A.N.Mironov. Application of the Riemann method to a factorized equation in an $n$-dimensional space
G.Mirsaburova. A problem with a Frankl condition on the boundary of the ellipticity domain for the Gellerstedt equation with a singular coefficient
M.G.Plotnikov. Coefficients of convergent multiple Haar series
M.Kh.Ruziev. Problems with shifts for mixed elliptic-hyperbolic equations
S.Azarmi. Foliations associated with the structure of a manifold over a Grassmann algebra of even degree exterior forms
E.M.Vechtomov and E.N.Lubyagina. The determinability of compacts by lattices of ideals and congruences of semirings of continuous [0,1]-valued functions on them
I.A.Gordeeva and S.E.Stepanov. Three classes of Weitzenbock manifolds