A.N.Abyzov. Weakly regular modules
A.L.Grigoryan. Functions approximation on a grid
Yu.B.Yermolayev. Integer bases of the classical Lie algebras
A.V.Kalinin, A.A.Kalinkina. $L_p$-estimates for vector fileds
N.N.Koreshkov. On the nilpotency of Engel algebras of Lie type
V.B.Levenstam. Construction of major approximations of the averaging method for parabolic initially boundary-value problems using the boundary level technique
B.F.Melnikov. Des­cription of special submonoids of a global supmonoid of a free monoid
S.P.Pavlov and V.A.Krysko. The mixed variational problem statement about a plate, freely supported on a curvilinear contour
L.D.Eskin. Equations describing dynamics of non-Newtonian fluid with Reiner-Rivlin rheological law. I. Group analysis
M.Yu.Kokurin and V.V.Klyuchev. The logarithmic estimates of convergence rate for certain methods of solution of the inverse Cauchy problem in a Banach space
G.G.Skorik. The best error estimate of the averaging kernels method for the problem of differentiation of a noisy function
I.K.Sharankhaev. Boolean bases of the second layer