M.E.Abramyan. Uniform convergence of the rectangle method for singular integral equation with the Holder density
M.A.Alekhina and S.M.Grabovskaya. Reliability of nonbranching programs in an arbitrary complete finite basis
S.V.Gaidomak. The canonical structure of a pencil of degenerate matrix functions
B.G.Grebenshchikov. The first-approximation stability of a nonstationary system with delay
A.A.Duyunova. Three-webs $W(1,n,1)$ and associated systems of ordinary differential equations
A.G.Egorov and O.S.Zakharova. The optimal quasi-stationary motion of a vibration-driven robot in a viscous medium
N.A.Koreshkov. Triangulation of $n$-tuple solvable Lie algebras
I.Orazov and M.A.Sadybekov. One nonlocal problem of determination of the temperature and density of heat sources
R.N.Fadeev. Analogs of Lorentz theorems for double multiplicative systems
A.M.Bikchentaev. Block projection operators in normed solid spaces of measurable operators
I.M.Plaksina. One class of singular linear functional differential equations