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Международные конференции по химии в 2014
Нагриманов Руслан, сотрудник , 09.01.2014, 11:52

january 1-3, 2014
2nd international conference
on environmental horizon “greening the blue”
karachi, pakistan http://www.chemuok.edu.pk

january 20-22, 2014
1st international symposium
on nanoparticles-nanomaterials and applications

lisbon, portugal http://www.isn2a2014.com/

january 24-25, 2014
international conference
on petroleum and petrochemical engineering

(icppe 2014)
macau, china http://www.icppe.org/

february 16-20, 2014
materials challenges in native & renewable energy 2014
(mcare 2014)
clearwater, fl, usa http://ceramics.org/meetings/materials-challenges-in-al­ternative-renewable-energy-2014

february 19-21, 2014
international conference
on nanotechnology, nanomaterials & thin films
for energy applications

london, uk http://www.nanoenergy.co.uk/invited.html

march 18-20, 2014
3rd international conference on green polymer chemistry 2014
cologne, germany http://www.amiplastics.com/events/event?code=c564

1-4 апреля 2014 г.
viii всероссийская конференция с международным участием молодых ученых по химии "менделеев-2014".
спб, рф http://mendeleev-spbu.org

april 7-10, 2014
4th international congress
on green process engineering

sevilla, spain http://www.gpe2014.org/

april 16-18, 2014
2014 spring international conference on chemical engineering
shanghai, china http://www.engii.org/scet2014

21-25 апреля 2014 г.
третья всероссийская научная конференция "успехи синтеза и комплексообразования"
москва, рф http://www.conferencerudn.com

may 4-7, 2014
international conference
on biomass

florence, italy http://www.aidic.it/iconbm/

15-17 мая 2014 г.
ii all-russian young scientists conference with international participation “ecologically safe and resource keeping technologies and materials”
ulan-ude, buryatian rep.


20-22 мая 2014 г.
научно-технологический симпозиум «нефтепереработка: катализаторы и гидропроцессы»
г. пушкин, пригород спб, рф http://conf.nsc.ru/sts

may 26-31, 2014
7th international conference “inverse problems:
modeling and simulation”

fethiye, turkey http://www.ipms-conference.org

june 1-6, 2014
7th tokyo conference
on advanced catalytic science and technology

kyoto, japan http://www.shokubai.org/intern/tocat7

june 8-12, 2014
1st international conference
on mechanics of composites

long island, ny, usa https://sites.google.com/site/mechcomp2014/

june 15-18, 2014
4th international colloids conference “surface design & engineering”
madrid, spain http://www.colloidsconference.com/

june 15-19, 2014
21st world petroleum congress
moscow, russia http://21wpc.com/

june 23-26, 2014
22nd european biomass conference and exhibition
(eu bc&e 2014)
hamburg, germany http://www.conference-biomass.com/

24-27 июня 2014 г.
viii международная научная конференция "кинетика и механизм кристаллизации"
иваново, россия http://crystal.isc-ras.ru

june 25-29, 2014
11th international symposium on systems with fast ionic transport
gdansk, poland http://www.issfit11.eti.pg.gda.pl/

june 26-30, 2014
international conference “modern physical chemistry for advanced materials”
kharkiv, ukraine http://www-chemo.univer.kharkov.ua/beketov2014/

july 6-10, 2014
11th international symposium “scientific bases
for the preparation
of heterogeneous catalysts”

louvain-la-neuve, belgium http://www.uclouvain.be/prepa11

july 6-11, 2014
11th conference on solid state chemistry
(ssc 2014)
trenčianske teplice, slovakia http://www.ssc2014.sav.sk/

13-18июля, 2014
xii международная конфе-ренция по наноструктуриро-ванным материалам nano2014
москва, россия http://www.nano2014.org/

july 15-18, 2014
7th international conference
on technological advances
of thin films & surface coatings

(thin films 2014)
chongqing, china http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/thinfilms/thinfilms/

august 23-27, 2014
21st international congress
of chemical and process engineering

(chisa 2014) prague, czech republic http://www.chisa.cz/2014

september 7-10, 2014
23rd international symposium
on chemical reaction engineering

(iscre 23)
bangkok, thailand http://www.iscre23.com

september 7-14, 2014
international summer school on photovoltaics and new concepts
of quantum solar energy conversion (quantsol)

hirschegg, austria [url]quantsol@helmholtz-berlin.de[/url]

september 8-11, 2014
6th international
feza conference “porous systems: from novel materials to sustainable solutions”

leipzig, germany http://www.feza2014.com

8-12 сентября2014 г.
золь-гель синтез и исследование неорганических соединений,
гибридных функциональных материалов и дисперсных систем

суздаль, россия http://conf.isc-ras.ru/

september 22-25, 2014
xxi international conference
on chemical reactors
delft, the netherlands http://conf.nsc.ru/cr-21-2014

september 22-26, 2014
12th international conference on fundamental and applied
aspects of physical chemistry (physical chemistry 2014)

belgrade, serbia


2-5 октября 2014 г.
ii российский конгресс по катализу

самара, россия http://conf.nsc.ru/ruscatalysis-2014/

october 11-13, 2014
3rd international conference
on polymer processing
and characterization

kottayam, kerala, india


18-21 nov 2014 г.
9-я int-l conf «hydrogen: fundamental approach, material science, technology»
troizk ( moscow), rf
