Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationNon-approved textbooks
Year of publication2015
  • Antonova Natalya Vasilevna, author
  • Grigoreva Leona Leonidovna, author
  • Maklakova Nataliya Vasilevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Antonova N.V., Grigoreva L.L., Maklakova N.V. WIndow on Europe. Academic skills / N.V. Antonova, L.L. Grigoreva, N.V. Maklakova. - Kazan: Kazan. un-t, 2015. - 217 s. Antonova, N.V., Grigorieva, L.L., Maklakova, N.V. Window on Europe. Academoc skills / Kazan: Kazan University, 2015. - 217 pp.
    Annotation This textbook is the second part of the set of textbooks humanities students and is intended for intermediate MA students of history and anyone profoundly studying European history, culture, politics and economy. It includes two parts each of which is devoted to different aspects of European culture. Working on this textbook will give students an opportunity not only to read and understand authentic texts in English but also focus on academic skills. They will acquire specific academic vocabulary, develop their speaking and writing skills, gain knowledge on various strategies for reading and analyzing academic literature.
    Keywords English language, academic skills, cultire, art, history
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