Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2014
  • Zholobov Oleg Feofanovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Zholobov O.F. Praslavyanskiy imperfekt na *-t i *-ti v drevnerusskikh kodeksakh / O.F.Zholobov // In Honorem. 2: Filologiya i tekstologiya. Yubileen sbornik v chest na 70-godishninata na prof. Uylyam Feder. – Shumen, 2014. – S. 161–177.
    Annotation In the Old Russian written sources the special Imperfect forms with the ?primary? ending on *-tь in the 3d person singular and plural became widespread. Beginning even from the 11th-12th centuries manuscripts such wordforms had been used along with the original ones having the ?secondary? endings on *-t (like хваляшеть, хваляхуть vs. хваляше, хваляху). The tendency of using the -xutь forms exclusively before the enclitic pronoun *jь ?him? appeared quite early only to avoid such an obscene sound combination as xwal?axu jь. In the scientific literature the Imperfect on -tь is called the Imperfect with augment. The term ?augment? is not suitable at all, as in the Indo-European lingustics it is used in quite a different sense. The variability of the Old Russian Imperfect wordforms reveals the history of the varying wordforms in the Present (like гасне and гаснеть, су and суть). The variability can?t be explained by an equal usage of the primary and secondary endings because of its stabilit
    Keywords праславянский язык, история русского языка, древнерусские кодексы, имперфект, вариативность
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