Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in Russian journals and collections
Year of publication2024
  • Kubysheva Nailya Iskhakovna, author
  • Boriskina Olga , author
  • Bulgakova Vilya , author
  • Eliseeva Tatyana , author
  • Khaletskay Anastasia , author
  • Khramova Regina , author
  • Khristianovich Ekaterina , author
  • Kurmaeva Naira , author
  • Novikov Viktor , author
  • Pavlova Ekaterina , author
  • Soodaeva Svetlana , author
  • Tush Elena , author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Boriskina O. S., Eliseeva T. I., Tush E.V., Soodaeva S.K., Khramova R.N., Khristianovich E. A., Pavlova E.V. , Novikov,V.V. KhaletskayA.I., BulgakovaV.A., KurmaevaN.Sh., Kubysheva, N. I. (2024). Bronchial Asthma and Bilirubin. Opera Medica et Physiologica, 11(1), 115-122.
    Annotation Currently, data are accumulating on the antioxidant properties of bilirubin and its protective role in various diseases. This review considers the dose-dependent effect of bilirubin on its cytoprotective and antioxidant properties, the relationship between the level of bilirubin and the pathophysiological manifestations of bronchial asthma, in the pathogenesis of which chronic inflammation induced by oxidative stress plays a significant role. The article also focuses on the potential therapeutic use of bilirubin in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
    Keywords bilirubin, heme oxygenase-1, bronchial asthma
    The name of the journal Opera Medica et Physiologica
    URL https://operamedphys.org/content/bronchial-asthma-and-bilirubin
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