Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in Russian journals and collections
Year of publication2023
  • Amirova Rimma Rashitovna, author
  • Khurmatullina Alsu Makhmutovna, author
  • Smirnova Olga Mikhaylovna Olga Mikhaylovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Khurmatullina, A. M. ., Amirova, R. R. ., Smirnova, O. M. ., & Salikhov, D. R. (2022). Studying the Issue of Preliminary Constitutional Control in the Russian Federation. BiLD Law Journal, 7(4s), 569–574 : Special Issue: Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Access to Justice in the Present Era (scopus)
    Annotation The definition of the constitution as a legal document for determining the structure and frameworks of governance indicates its importance and special position in the country; Because the constitution, based on the ideals of the nation and the opinion of the people, applies the rule of law, the rule of the nation, the determination of legal institutions and the competences and powers of each. From this point of view, the constitution is a national covenant to share the efforts of the people who strive to achieve their goals and ideals in peace and cooperation. The article examines the corrections to the Constitution that went into force on July 4, 2020. The creators consider changes concerning the lawful status of the Sacred Court of the Russian Alliance and established (legal) courts of constituent elements of the Russian League. The article considers the experience of carrying out starter established control in unfamiliar nations and the chance of involving their powers in the act of the Protected Court of the Russian League and sacred (legal) courts of constituent elements of the Russian Alliance. The article features the positive and negative parts of presenting the establishment of starter protected control into Russian practice. The creator likewise examines the experience of the Established Oversight Board of the Association of Soviet Communist Republics in practicing the ability to practice primer protected control. The development of the powers of the Sacred Court of the Russian League and, running against the norm, the restricting of the powers of the established (legal) courts of the constituent elements of the Russian Organization isn't the main change in that frame of mind of protected equity in the Russian Alliance. In such manner, the issue of changing the design of the Protected Court of the Russian League and muddling the system for residents to document grumblings about infringement of sacred privileges and opportunities was thought of. Accordingly, the creator reaches the resolution that there are brief arrangements in the Constitution of the Russian Organization.
    Keywords constitutional control, types, forms
    The name of the journal BiLD Law Journal
    URL https://bildbd.com/index.php/blj/article/view/610
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=298337&p_lang=2

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