Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2023
  • Artemeva Tatyana Vasilevna, author
  • Akhmetzyanova Anna Ivanovna, author
  • Egorova Zarema Rustamovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Akhmetzyanova A, Artemyeva T, Korniychenko T, Verbalization of emotional states by children with special educational needs//EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. - 2023. - Vol.66, Is.. - P.S175-S175.
    Annotation Tasks for the categorization of emotional states cause difficulties in children with speech disorders, since they require a certain mastery of vocabulary for the designation of emotional states. As a result of limited communication in children, there is a lack of understanding of the meaning, causes and motives of the actions of other people, as well as the consequences of their actions, their impact on others. Preschool children with motor disabilities are inferior to peers without developmental disabilities in accurate verbalization of emotional states, manifested in a primitive description of emotions. Visually impaired preschool children do not have sufficiently clear ideas about socially acceptable actions in communication situ- ations, about ways of expressing relationships with peers and adults. Children with hearing impairment better understand the emotional states of their peers than the states of adults, but they do not know how to show their attitude towards their peers. Difficulties in verbalizing emotions are observed. Children with autism spectrum disorder experience significant difficulties in recognizing various situations of interaction, isolating tasks and requirements set by adults in these situations; children practically did not try to depict an emotion.
    Keywords emotional states, children, special educational needs
    The name of the journal EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY
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