Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2019
  • Yambushev Farid Dzhamaletdinovich, author
  • Derbysheva Dilyara Lenarovna, author
  • Khalaman Adelina Vladimirovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Yambyshev, F.D., Derbisheva, D.L., Halaman, A.V. Use of gaming technology in the study of chemistry // Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, Vol 7. No 6. P 954-961
    Annotation Purposes: In article influence of a game method of training on the formation of interest at seniors in profound studying of a subject of chemistry is considered. Game technologies in teaching are used for a long time, but their importance inactivation of cognitive activity of students does not lose relevance. By means of a didactic game, it is possible to realize with success everything the leading functions of training: educational, bringing up and developing. Methodology: Authors describe the scenario of a lesson game of chemistry on the subject «Hydrocarbons« for students of the 10th classes, do the analysis of results of the performance of tasks at all stages of a game and give criteria of estimates. Results: Following the results of the questioning which is carried out among school students the conclusion is drawn that thanks to a game method at a lesson, it was succeeded to increase interest in a subject, the level of digestion of material, to make active orientation on the acquisition of knowledge and motivation of success. During the game, the creative atmosphere reigns in a class thanks to what such lessons promote the maximum realization of abilities of each pupil and develop skills of group interaction. Didactic games can be used at all stages of the process of training: when studying a new subject, fixing of the gained knowledge, at the control of results. Implications/Applications: Implementing new methods in the study can aid the audience to be prospered. Game theory can be the practical inefficient study of chemistry. Novelty/Originality: The research of the influence of didactic games on the formation of informative activity of students was conducted in the form of the quest with the subject devoted 190-year since the birth of A.M. Butlerov. 
    Keywords Educational Technologies, Training Methods, Didactic Play, Cognitive Activity, Motivation, Assimilation of Knowledge, Social Activity
    The name of the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews
    URL https://core.ac.uk/display/276513424?utm_source=pdf&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=pdf-decoration-v1
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