Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2022
  • Baltin Maksim Eduardovich, author
  • Baltina Tatyana Valerevna, author
  • Bikeeva Sofya Olegovna, author
  • Eremeev Anton Aleksandrovich, author
  • Zayceva Tatyana Nikolaevna, author
  • Sachenkov Oskar Aleksandrovich, author
  • Smirnova Viktoriya Vladimirovna, author
  • Fedyanin Artur Olegovich, author
  • Smirnova Viktoriya Vladimirovna, postgraduate kfu
  • Zayceva Tatyana Nikolaevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Fedianin A. Motor reorganization during simulation of gravitational unloading/ A. Fedianin, T. Zaytceva, M. Baltina, S. Bikeeva, V. Smirnova, O. Sachenkov, T.Baltina, A. Eremeev // IEEE Xplore:Proceedings - 4th International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces. - 2022. - Vol. CNN 2022. - pp. 25-28, doi: 10.1109/CNN56452.2022.9912500.
    Annotation Thus, under conditions of muscle unloading and, as a result, changes in the intensity of peripheral afferentation, including the support one, there is a reorganization and change in the functional state of the spinal neuronal networks that regulate and adapt motor activity in accordance with external conditions. A detailed understanding of the principles of adaptive reorganization of spinal interneuronal circuits requires further research, the results of which will contribute to the development of innovative targeted strategies for the rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system in cases of various disorders and space expeditions.
    Keywords Analytical models, Adaptation models, Spinal cord, Organizations, Central nervous system , Rats , Muscles
    The name of the journal Proceedings - 4th International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces
    URL https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9912500/keywords#keywords
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