Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationOther electronic educational resources
Year of publication2022
  • Nurutdinova Aida Rustamovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Disciplina: «Akademicheskaya Kommunikaciya B.1.O.08» (magistratura, 2 kurs, ochnoe obuchenie) Napravlenie podgotovki: 44.04.01 Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie. Prepodavanie angliyskogo yazyka v sredney i vysshey shkole
    Annotation Academic Communication Skills course targets MA in Philology and is aimed at developing critical thinking and academic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills that are crucial for functioning in the English-speaking academic environment in general, and in the English-speaking linguistic and philological community, in particular. What to expect from the course This course seeks to develop your proficiency in speaking and writing. It will improve your technical accuracy as an academic skill, through learning the particulars of grammar and vocabulary and developing your ability to edit and monitor your use of language. What you will do on the course ■ learn what effective communication involves and how to become an effective communicator ■ enhance your understanding and usage of grammar and vocabulary in interesting academic contexts ■ learn how to apply grammar and vocabulary in context ■ learn how to monitor and edit your own language What you will achieve from the course ■ produce more accurate academic discourse ■ use English grammar and vocabulary with greater accuracy and control ■ have a wider range of English grammar and vocabulary ■ communicate more effectively in academic contexts
    Keywords developing critical thinkin, academic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, English-speaking academic environmen
    URL https://edu.kpfu.ru/course/view.php?id=5226
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=268121&p_lang=2
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