Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2022
  • Sharafeeva Landysh Ramilevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Sharafeeva L., A Model of Future Mathematics Teachers' Preparedness to Organize Mobile Learning for Schoolchildren//Journal of Curriculum and Teaching. - 2022. - Vol.11, Is.3. - P.30-37.
    Annotation Born in the digital world, children cannot imagine life without mobile devices and technologies, which contributes to the transformation of the education system. Mobile devices allow getting information on the Internet anywhere and at any time, the methodology of teaching subjects changes accordingly, the educational process becomes interactive. Mobile technologies and devices have an effective didactic and methodological potential, which requires targeted training of future teachers for their use in teaching activities. The purpose of the paper is to theoretically substantiate and develop a model for forming the readiness of a future mathematics teacher to organise mobile learning for schoolchildren. To create a model of future teachers' readiness for mobile education of schoolchildren, system-activity, personality-oriented and analytical approaches were applied. Analysis and generalisation of the research results of domestic and foreign scientists on this problem are the main research methods, as well as conceptual and terminological analysis and pedagogical modelling. The paper substantiates the relevance and necessity of purposeful preparation of future mathematics teachers to organise mobile education of schoolchildren. The concept of mobile learning of schoolchildren is clarified, its main features are determined. The readiness of future mathematics teachers to organise mobile learning of schoolchildren is considered as a set of motivational, personal, theoretical, activity and reflexive components, which allowed us to systematise and model the process of training teachers for this activity. The model presented by the author, the main components of which are conceptual, content, activity and reflexive blocks, reflects the peculiarities of a future mathematics teacher's readiness for mobile learning of schoolchildren. The developed model will allow us to reach a higher level of training of mathematics teachers, providing personal and professional development of students
    Keywords mobile learning of schoolchildren, future math teacher, mobile technologies, mobile devices
    The name of the journal Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
    URL https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85127579442&doi=10.5430%2fjct.v11n3p30&partnerID=40&md5=ac3bfd06cb43cd516d10e5f2665a070a
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