Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2021
  • Nabieva Larisa Georgievna, author
  • Fatkhullin Albert Rashitovich, author
  • Vishnyakova Angelina , author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Vishnyakova A.B. Digital Transformation of Russian Mechanical Engineering / A.B. Vishnyakova, L.G. Nabieva, A.R. Fatkhullin // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. - Vol. 106: GCPMED 2020. - P. 1797-1804.
    Annotation The most important factors of economic growth are digitalization, the economy structure transformation, and the activation of technological development of industrial production. The application of digital technologies in industries contributes to an increase in labor productivity, import substitution. That is especially important in the current economic conditions, in the context of sanctions and limited access to imported equipment. Under conditions of active digitalization of the economy, more and more attention is focused on the modernization of leading industries (especially domestic mechanical engineering). A single information space is being created to build effective interaction mechanisms between economic entities. In the 21st century, society has embarked on a path of transformation, which means that it needs innovative solutions in the economic, social and political spheres. But despite the global changes in the economy, modernization in the national economic system of different countries takes place in its own way. For example, in Russia, the transformation path from a planned to a market economy has lasted for 30 years. Changes in the systems of the Russian economic life are taken from the experience of developed countries. The transformation of enterprises has a number of specific features: it lends itself to spontaneous factors; insufficient management leading to unpredictable results, the most serious of which is the crisis, loss of scientific, technical and production potential, an increase in the share of imported goods over domestic ones. These features give rise to dependence on developed countries that have become serious competitors.
    Keywords Digital economy, digital modernization, globalization, industrial production, modernization of industrial enterprises
    The name of the journal European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences
    On-line resource for training course http://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/bitstream/handle/net/166480/Digital_Transformation_Of_Russian_Mechanical_Engineering.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
    URL https://www.europeanproceedings.com/article/10.15405/epsbs.2021.04.02.215
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