Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2021
  • Nurutdinova Aida Rustamovna, author
  • Fazlyeva Zulfiya Khanifovna, author
  • Shakirova Dilyara Shamilevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language A. Nurutdinova, E. Dmitrieva, D. Shakirova, Z. Fazlyeva, E. Panfilova. VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES // Proceedings of ICERI2021 Conference 8th-9th November 2021: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation //ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6 //, pp. 2049 - 2057
    Annotation Development of modern society, computer technology, globalization, and informatisation affect all spheres of social structure, including education. The meaning, purpose, and mission of modern education is not just the basic knowledge acquisition and necessary skills and abilities, it is the development of a cultural code, an independent approach to the assimilation of new knowledge, cultural values, new forms and types of activities. Virtual and augmented reality are among the key information technologies of the digital economy. Experts predict the growth of the VR / AR technology market and consider it one of the most promising. The strategy for the development of the information society involves the training of specialists in the field of information technology. At present, to solve this problem, innovative methods are used that allow you to more effectively assimilate new knowledge with a high degree of enthusiasm in the educational process. These include, among other things, virtual and augmented reality technologies, that is, they can be both a learning tool and an object of research. Technology and augmented virtual reality are used in medicine, training programs and simulators are being developed, medical devices are used to simulate and conduct operations. In view of the above, this has to do with the impact that technology and augmented virtual reality can have on education.
    Keywords Virtual reality, augmented reality, educational process, information technology, digital economy, new technologies, innovation, diffusion, technological.
    The name of the journal Proceedings of ICERI2021
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