Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationRussian monographs
Year of publication2021
  • Sibgatullina Irina Fagimovna, author
  • Vanchova Alica , author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Vančová A., Sibgatullina-Denis I. Diversity and benchmarking for inclusion [monograph]. Cheboksary: Sreda, 2021, 208 p.
    Annotation The monograph presents a multidimensional approach to inclusion and integration, effective technologies of inclusive education, which have proven themselves to be in demand and practically applicable in international benchmarking. The materials are distinguished by the richness of the author's scientific and practical expert approaches and require careful interaction with their developers in the case of project implementation. Some materials are presented together with the expert participation of colleagues from Russia, Slovakia and Austria. The materials of the monograph are of an applied nature, addressed to managers, coordinators and methodologists of inclusion. In regional education systems, materials can be used as a subject vector for variable modules of higher professional pedagogical education in the training of teachers, professional postgraduate education programs and benchmarking. The theoretical part is relevant for the design development of the activities of international research teams in identifying and scientific analysis of the best practices of inclusion and management of inclusive systems. Practical materials can be used in the system of structures of educational organizations, in work with children and adults with special needs and their families. By management educators, the materials can be applied in conceptual strategies for organizing an inclusive living environment.
    Keywords Inclusion, integration, inclusive education, benchmarking
    URL https://phsreda.com/ru/action/10319/info?utm_source=ticket&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=action_available&utm_term=ru&utm_content=link_epub_book
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