Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in Russian journals and collections
Year of publication2021
  • Gazizova Farida Samigullovna, author
  • Galich Tatyana Nikolaevna, author
  • Minnullina Rozaliya Faizovna, author
  • Nurieva Alesya Radievna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Minnullina R.F., Nurieva A.R., Gazizova F.S., Galich T.N. Etnoregionalnoe vospitanie doshkolnikov/ R.F. MInnullina, A.R. Nurieva, F.S. Gazizova, T.N. Galich //Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration”. Part 2 - Reports in English(October 27, 2021. Beijing, PRC -138s. Pekin
    Annotation Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration”. Part 2 - Reports in English(October 27, 2021. Beijing, PRC -138с.
    Keywords национальные традиции, этнопедагогика, самосознание, культура народа, фольклор, этнокультурная компетентность, полиэтническая среда.
    The name of the journal Proceedings of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration”. Part 2 - Reports in English(October 27, 2021. Beijing, PRC -138с.
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