Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2021
  • Andreeva Elena Anatolevna, author
  • Nazmieva Elmira Ildarovna, author
  • Sakhibullina Kadriya Azatovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language NAZMIEVA, E.I.; ANDREEVA, E.A.; SAKHIBULLINA, K. A. Communicating culture through language (examples of russian adjectival phraseology). Rev. EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp. 3, e021041, set. 2021. e-ISSN: 2447-3529. DOI: https: //doi.org/10.29051/el.v7iesp.3.15698 (WOS i RINC)
    Annotation In this paper, phraseological units are considered as the most valuable source of information about the culture and mentality of people of a certain nation; they are often preserved in folklore, customs and traditions, and can be found in literature. In order to recognize a lexical unit as a concept, a key word of culture, it is necessary that it is commonly used, frequent, included in phraseological units or proverbs, sayings, and so on. In this study, several phraseological units that reflect traditions and customs of English, Australian and Russian people are discussed. The main focus of the study was on adjectival phraseological units, which are those correlated with adjectives, with the purpose to reveal their meanings, based on various cultural and historical factors. Meanings can be communicated from a variety of positions and even different approaches from which a culture is considered. PhUs enrich each language and are inextricably linked with the culture of the native speakers. More than 900 units of various structures in Russian were found, and then located in sentences from the Russian language corpora. For emphasizing the connection of the units with the culture in which they were formed, examples representing Russian cuisine, stereotypes, climate and others were selected for the article.
    Keywords Phraseology, idioms, adjectival, culture, Russian, communication.
    The name of the journal REVISTA ENTRELINGUAS
    URL https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/entrelinguas/article/view/15698/11463
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=257699&p_lang=2

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