Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2019
  • Napolskikh Vladimir Vladimirovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Napolskikh V. V. Kalendarnye obryady i obryadovaya terminologiya krasnoufimskikh udmurtov // Linguistica uralica. - Tom 55, № 2. - Tallinn, 2019. - S. 139-151
    Annotation The materials on the calendar rites of Krasnoufimsk Udmurts collected by the author in 1990th, with texts and ethnological and etymological comments are presented (description of the New Year, Shrovetide – Pancake festival, Great Day – Eastern, end of ploughing, Semik – Trinity Day, great summer sacrifice and praying fir rain is given). Krasnoufimsk Udmurts were the most eastern peripheral Udmurt group, never formally Christianized, lived during more than three centuries separately from other Udmurts together with Mari and under great cultural and language influence of the last. Therefore the Krasnoufimsk dialect, discovered and first described in 1970ths by R. Sh. Nasibullin, developed into a very special Udmurt vernacular with strong features of interfenence with the Mari language, which became dominant among the Krasnoufimsk Udmurts already at the end of 20th c. Nowadays the Krasnoufimsk dialect is very probably extinct and the published materials represent the last information on the language and culture of this interesting group.
    Keywords Удмуртский язык, красноуфимский диалект, удмурты, диалектология, народная религия, календарные обряды, этнография, языки и культуры Волго-Уральского региона, языковые контакты.
    The name of the journal Linguistica Uralica
    URL http://www.kirj.ee/31948/
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