Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2018
  • Evgrafova Olga Gennadevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Kudinova G.F., Kudinov I.V., Aitova V.M., Galimova N.R., Evgrafova O.G., Zimovec L.G.On psychosemantics of notions «opinion», «knowledge», «belief» / G.F. Kudinova, I.V. Kudinov, V.M. Aitova, N.R. Galimova, O.G. Evgrafova, L.G. Zimovec // International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET); Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018. – P. 1010 – 1020.
    Annotation Currently the studies of particular relevance in which the ways of representation in the language of the subject's consciousness cognitive content, the characteristic properties of thinking verbal objectification and the basic thought features are analyzed. This article deals with the universal categories of knowledge, opinion and belief, largely structuring the cognitive, mental activity of a person, serving as the basic constructs in the subject's cognitive-evaluative activity. The paper presents the results of a series of our psychosemantic experiments, which made it possible to identify stable signs, cultural representations, associations that arise in the minds of native speakers in the actualization of categories of knowledge, opinion and belief and compare their content. Such experimental studies allow us to explicate the «hidden« mechanisms of verbalization of thought structures in the process of cognition of the world, to see what stands behind the word as a unit of the speech (linguistic) ability of the individual. The submitted data reflect the complex networks of relationships formed in conceptualization and categorization processes of the world.
    Keywords belief, knowledge, opinion, psychosemantics, semantic differential, universal category, value.
    The name of the journal International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
    URL http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/UploadFolder/IJMET_09_10_104/IJMET_09_10_104.pdf
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