Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Abuzyarova Darya Leonidovna, author
  • Takhtarova Svetlana Salavatovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Abusyarova D.L., Takhtarova S.S. CRITICAL REMARKS IN THE GERMAN DISCURSIVE PRACTICES // The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2016, Vol. 6, November Special Edition, Pages: 2845-2850
    Annotation The article analyzes the phenomenon of criticism, describes the problems arising from the verbalization of critical intentions in the interpersonal and intercultural communication, and determines the characteristic features of the German communicative style, influencing the choice of speech strategies and tactics by the speaking subject in potentially conflictogenic situations of critical evaluation .The problems, arising in the process of verbalization of critical intentions in intercultural communication, are largely determined by the fact that the rules and regulations, the violation of which causes a critical evaluation, tend to be culturally-conditioned and have their own national-cultural identity in different ethnic societies. In addition, the attitude to critical statements in a particular ethnic society, the ways of verbalization of negative evaluation and the level of flatness of the latter cause a significant influence on the verbalization and perception of criticism.
    Keywords criticism, intention, communication, conflict regulation, discourse, speech strategy,mitigation, experience, questionnaire, culture, ethnosociety, emotions
    The name of the journal The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
    URL http://www.tojdac.org/tojdac/VOLUME6-NOVSPCL_files/tojdac_v060NVSE193.pdf
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