Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationConference proceedings in Russian journals and collections
Year of publication2015
  • Beskin Grigoriy Meerovich, author
  • Biryukov Anton Vladimirovich, author
  • Karpov Sergey Valentinovich, author
  • Sasyuk Vyacheslav Vasilevich, author
  • Usanin Vladimir Sergeevich, author
  • Bondar Sergey Fyodorovich, author
  • Ivanov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, author
  • Katkova Elena Valentinovna, author
  • Orekhova Nadezhda Vladimirovna, author
  • Perkov Aleksey Viktorovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Orekhona N.V., Beskin G.M., Biryukov A.V., Bondar S.F., Ivanov E.A., Karpov S.V., Katkova E.V., Perkov A.V., Sasyuk V.V., Usanin V.S. Meteor observations with Mini-MegaTORTORA // «Near-Earth Astronomy - 2015». Proceedings of the International conference. 31 August - 5 September 2015. Terskol – M.: Yanus-K, 2015. – P. 76–82. (In Russian)
    Annotation «Near-Earth Astronomy - 2015«. Proceedings of the International conference. 31 August - 5 September 2015. Terskol
    Keywords no
    The name of the journal «Near-Earth Astronomy - 2015«. Proceedings of the International conference. 31 August - 5 September 2015. Terskol
    URL http://www.agora.guru.ru/display.php?conf=oza-2015&l=1
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