Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2017
  • Ayupova Roza Allyametdinovna, author
  • Guryanov Igor Olegovich, author
  • Kubedinova Lenara Shakirovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Guryanov I.O., Ayupova R.A., Kubetdinova L.S. Teaching Intercultural Communication to Would-be Translators. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM). Vol.7, Issue.9.1 ,September (2017) 301–309.
    Annotation This paper describes the process of teaching Intercultural Communication to students would-be English-Russian translators (interpreters). After a brief review on the theory of Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) the authors dwell upon the idea of distinguishing three levels in the process of shaping ICC (linguistic level, level of language mediation, behavioral level) also giving the list of disciplines this process is most closely related to. Emphasis is made upon the necessity of close collaboration of the teachers of these disciplines on teaching intercultural communication. The process of shaping the aforementioned competence on the language mediation and behavioral levels are given a very concise description, while as the linguistic level of it is described in details. The authors focus on teaching lexical and phraseological units with cultural information in their meaning with special attention on their introducing to students. The results of the experiment conducted by
    Keywords Intercultural Communication Competence, linguistic level, level of language mediation, behavioral level.
    The name of the journal Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods
    URL http://mjltm.org/files/cd_papers/r_457_171202093002.pdf
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