Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2017
  • Demina Galina Vladimirovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Demina G.V. PHYTOSANITARY STATE OF GREEN PLANTATIONS OF KAZAN CENTER /G. V. Demina, N. B. Prokhorenko, B. R. Zakirov//Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 04, Issue 09 (September – 2017), pp. 3090-3094.
    Annotation In urban ecosystems, a complex of factors may lead to the weakening of introduced and wild-growing trees and shrubby plants, which makes them more susceptible to diseases, leading to the loss of decorativeness and even to plant death. Here, phytopathological monitoring of urban plantings in the center of Kazan city (Tatarstan Republic, Russia) was carried out using routing research methods. Urban plantings which differed in the degree of anthropogenic change were examined. A type and nature of diseases, pathogen causing it, as well as disease intensity and prevalence were determined. The intensity of diseases was assessed visually using a 5-point scale, where 0 points correspond to the absence of lesions; 1 point - up to 10% of the surface is damaged; 2 points - 11-25% is damaged; 3 points - 26-50% is damaged; 4 points - more than 50% of the surface is damaged. The prevalence of diseases was calculated as percentage of diseased plants to the total number of inspected plants.
    Keywords plant diseases, green plantations, pathogens.
    The name of the journal INDO American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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