Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Akhmadeeva Magdalena Anna , author
  • Khayrutdinova Gulshat Akhmatkhanovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Kravchinska M.A, Hayrutdinova G.A., Gender category of nouns: On a material of comparison of Russian and Polish languages//Journal of Language and Literature. - 2016. - Vol.7, Is.2. - P.253-256.
    Annotation Morphological gender category of Russian substantives had drawn attention of scientists in onnection to studying of a whole range of its spects: formation history, proportion of gender and sex, creative functions, realized in different speech types, etc. Certain issues on regarding analysis of grammatic gender of nouns in Polish language had also received highlighting in scientific literature, However, the deep, universal study of this problem in comparative aspect is still not conducted. Particularly, issues related to description of structural organization of grammatic gender, plan of its content are still underserved, which stipulates actuality of our addressing to this problem. At comparison of considered grammatical objects were used the following methods: comparative-historic, comparative, descriptionanalytical, distributive, method of component analysis. In result of conducted research is made a row of generalizations. It is established that gender of nouns in both languages is a ternary, non inflectional, semantical with structural significance, reflective category. From point of view of meaning, similarity is detected in presence of semantic signs of alive / un-alive subject, sex (male or female) and person. Difference consist in the fact that seme of person of amale sex received the most clear expression both in paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspects only in Polish language. In classof Russian substantives of male gender the indicated seme has no similar methods of representation.Received results at comparison of them with characteristics of other morphological categories of Russian and Polish language would allow to complement the general picture of scientific notations about their grammatical system.
    Keywords Category of gender of Russian and Polish substantives; Comparative research of languages; Paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspects of expression of seme of person; Semantics of grammatical gender; Seme of person
    The name of the journal JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE
    URL https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84999040042&doi=10.7813%2fjll.2016%2f7-2%2f47&partnerID=40&md5=7a30d0bd7f4c0b8737ce59e4f1dae63a
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