Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Bochina Tatyana Gennadevna, author
  • Varlamova Marina Yurevna, author
  • Miftakhova Aliya Nailevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Varlamova M.Yu, Bochina T.G, Miftakhova A.N., Interactivity in teaching a foreign language//Journal of Language and Literature. - 2016. - Vol.7, Is.3. - P.190-194.
    Annotation This paper deals with the analysis of interactive methods of teaching a foreign language on the example of audio-visual materials. The theory of interactive learning is the object of attention of many methodists. The techniques of working with video in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language are of particular interest. Among the forms of interaction between the teacher and the student the interactive form should be recognized as one of the most effective. They are aimed at developing listening and speaking skills and are effective at different stages of training. Game interactive methods help to learn and to hone many speech cliches and scripts used in real communication in an unobtrusive way. Consideration of audiovisual materials in terms of interactivity has not been the subject of serious study of teachers of the Russian language as a foreign language, which determines the relevance and originality of the work.
    Keywords communicativeness, interactivity, audio-visual materials, listening, Russian as a foreign language
    The name of the journal JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE
    URL https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85006106922&partnerID=40&md5=5282b998bed7bbac9ccb1267b465d3dc
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=150592&p_lang=2

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