Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Shatunova Tatyana Mikhaylovna, author
  • Khayaleeva Adelya Kamilevna, postgraduate kfu
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Adelya Khayaleeva, Tatiana Shatunova. Translation as a social phenomenon / Khayaleeva Adelya, Shatunova Tatiana // International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, ISSN 2356-5926. Special Issue. / August, 2016, pp. 117-122.
    Annotation The article deals with the formation of phenomenon and notion of translation as a social manifestation. The translation is presented as a key point of creating and resolving hermeneutical situation. It is shown that the conversion of the translation from the verbal procedure into a social phenomenon is caused by the processes of globalization and multiculturalism of the modern world. The translation under such conditions becomes a reliable way to organize relations of understanding between two or more social actors. The method of dialectical analysis of translation as an ambivalent contradictory phenomenon that contains the potency of social mechanism of constructing society; the principle of historicism that allows the scholars to move from analysis of translation as a purely linguistic phenomenon to identification of its social opportunities; the method of using the conflict of interpretations of translation to reveal its ambivalent characteristics; the theory of social systems by N.
    Keywords Social philosophy, theory of translation, actor-network theory, hermeneutics
    The name of the journal International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
    URL http://www.ijhcs.com/index.php/ijhcs/article/view/2585
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