Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Ismagilova Liliya Renatovna, author
  • Polyakova Oksana Viktorovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language LR Ismagilova, OV Polyakova Problem of managers' communicative competence formation/ LR Ismagilova, OV Polyakova// Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Behavior. - 2016.- P.109–114
    Annotation The paper investigates the issues of managers training in the frame of improving contemporary educational paradigm in Russia. The transition to the Third Generation Educational Standards was determined by changing economic environment in the country which requires the graduate-managers to be fully-fledged specialists equipped with wide range of competences including communication one. The research undertaken within private and public enterprises reveals the gap between the way this competence is formed when train-ing at the undergraduate level and the demand of the market. The defects of dialogue communication showed by the study heavily affect the company's performance. The comparison of Second and Third Generation Ed-ucational Standard projects the reason of the current dialogue communication problem. The results imply their application to vocational training while designing undergraduate curriculum and syllabus.
    Keywords education standard, communication process, communication competence, dialogue communica-tion, managers training, syllabus design
    The name of the journal Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Behavior
    URL http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/abs/10.1201/9781315375182-22
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