Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in Russian journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Bochina Tatyana Gennadevna, author
  • Van Cuy Cuy , author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Van Cuy, Bochina T. Istoriya razvitiya lingvisticheskoy tipologii v Kitae // Filologiya i kultura. Seriya «Filologicheskie nauki. Lingvistika». – 2016. – №2 (44).- S. 25-30.
    Annotation This paper analyzes the history of the development of linguistic typology in China. The authors divide the process of development of the Chinese linguistic typology into three stages. They also analyze the characteristics of each stage, paying special attentions to the important works of every stage. The study of linguistic typology in China is developing from the translation of foreign classic works. These translated works on linguistic typology expanded the scientific outlook of Chinese linguists. They also encouraged the linguists to use the typological methods to study the Chinese language and its dialects. In the early 90-ies of XX century Chinese scientists began to explore the grammar in the Chinese language or to compare different language phenomenon in Chinese and foreign languages from the point of view of linguistic typology.Although most of these studies did not concern the essence of languages, but they helped to know the characteristics of Chinese language.
    Keywords general linguistics, history of linguistic thought, methods of language learning, linguistic typology, morphological typology, stage of development, Chinese language
    The name of the journal Филология и культура. Philologie and Culture.
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