Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Nigmatullina Irina Aleksandrovna, author
  • Gerasimenko J. A., author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Nigmatullina I.A. Correction of school disadaptation of teenagers by art therapy methods / I.A. Nigmatullina, J.A. Gerasimenko // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. - 2016. - Vol. 11. - № 8. - P. 2037-2045.
    Annotation Relevance of research is caused by growth of number of pupils with school disadaptation that is expressed in problems of development of the school program, socialization problems, and the general trouble. In this regard, this article is directed to identification or disclosure of opportunities of assistance to teenagers with this problem, to take them in a difficult educational situation, to help to overcome vital difficulties. The leading method in research of this problem is the art therapy method. It allows pupils to create the atmosphere of emotional wellbeing in the course of mobilization of creative potential, to find experience of new kinds of activity, to develop creative abilities, to promote internal self-control of feelings and behavior. On the basis of the provision of the humanistic focused art therapy about self-expression and self-realization in creativity products, opportunities art and therapeutic the technician in work with the teenagers in the diagnostic,correctional
    Keywords Art therapy method; Emotional and personal violations; School disadaptation; Violations of behavior
    The name of the journal Journal of Environmental and Science Education
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