Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Pashkurov Aleksey Nikolaevich, author
  • Razzhivin Anatoliy Ilich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Pashkurov A.N., Razzhivin A.I. Literary culture: its types and lessons // European journal of science and theology. 2016, vol.12, №2, 155-164.
    Annotation This paper, continuing and systematizing the earlier results, deals with the central theoretical aspects of the concept of literary culture. The first section discusses this phenomenon in the context of relevance to the modern History of science such questions as ?intersecting streams of information?, strategies of culture, globalization, the dynamics of the so-called ?meta-add-ins? and patterns of transitivity states and periods. In the second part the paper focuses on the overall unity of the levels of literary culture, their functions and mechanisms of interaction with civilization. In this respect, our central perspective conclusion is connected with the hypothesis of gradual ?ascent? from sociological understanding of literary culture to philosophical (accumulating memory and information) and further, to ethical and axiological ones having a direct outcome onto an educational institution.
    Keywords literary culture, sociological function, mnemonic function, axiological approach
    The name of the journal European Journal of Science and Theology
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