Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2014
  • Masalimova Alfiya Rafisovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Masalimova, A.R. Distant in-company foreign language learning involving university student-tutors / A.R.Masalimova, G.D.Ikramova, A.R.Shaidullina, G.T.Gubaidullina, N.D.Apraksina // American Journal of Applied Sciences. – 2014. – № 11(7). – P. 1123-1127
    Annotation The technology proposed suggests university students as tutors and moderators involving in on-line forums for in-company foreign language learning of oil industry professionals. The purpose of this technology is its dual focus: On the one hand, it is directed on of enterprises experts? foreign language competence forming, on the other hand-on students competence improving. Such online interaction between students, teachers and specialists of the company also contributes to students? career path realization, to enterprises cultural norms accumulation, all the participants corporate culture forming. Steps and stages for its development ensuring integrity and continuity of oil industry professionals language learning are suggested and its major blocks or modules are presented and its advantages in managing, pedagogic, personal and economic aspect are revealed and presented as for company representatives so for university teachers and students.
    Keywords Distance Learning Technology, In-Company Training, Foreign Language, Integration of Education and Business, Oil Industry
    The name of the journal American Journal of Applied Sciences
    URL http://thescipub.com/PDF/ajassp.2014.1123.1127.pdf
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