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Proof of Financial Resourсes

In some cases, upon receiving an application and prior to processing an official invitation, the KFU Admissions Department may ask for additional information on sources of funding that will be used to cover the applicant's tuition and living expenses in Russia. This may be a bank statement or any other document that would confirm the availability of funds (e.g. letter of guarantee from a sponsor, scholarship organization or any other institution that will provide funding).

Contract for paid education:
Normally, international students sign and pay for the academic contract after they arrive in Kazan. However, in some cases, those procedures must be undertaken before arriving in Russia.

1. Russian consular authorities in some countries issue student visas only upon the submission of the original invitation and contract for education. That is why you are recommended to inquire exact information in the nearest Russian embassy or consulate in your country.

2. The University reserves the right to require the signed contract and paid tuition before arriving in Russia (or before sending the original of the visa invitation) from countries with very high levels of fraudulent visa applications.